
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Improving My Blog Design

I am finding my current blog design too cluttered, unsystematic and dull; unlike me (I am so organised, systematic and vibrant! *shameless gal*). Hence, I will be giving it a cosmetic reconstruction for a period of time (this may lead to weeks or months of reconstruction, home renovation project always take this long right?).

However, don't worry. My blog will still be accessible and readable during this whole process.

To my readers, please feel free to drop me any feedback on how you think or want me to improve on this blog design. I will take your idea very seriously. But please don't suggest those which are too complicated to be implemented (eg. 3D animation or flash), as I am scared that all my long beautiful hair will drop off at the end of this project *smile*

Thanks a lot ya!


  1. Help!!!! I can't even do the stuff you do in THIS blog design!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Let me try what works and dun works first (I am also a newbie in this ...) before I get any confidence to teach you later. Dun wanna crash your blog lata ;D


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