
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Horoscope Forecast for 2009 : DOG

Forecast for the Dog

The Coming Year
: Steer clear of controversy during the Year of the Earth Ox, otherwise you could find yourself in court. A justice-lover like you will do more good working with the system than against it. On the plus side, your financial situation will become much more secure. Your income will be steady, enabling you to pay off debts and put some money into savings. Instead of having to look for work, you'll be able to spend more time with friends and family.

Resist the urge to isolate yourself when things go wrong. Dogs have a tendency to turn within when the going gets tough, but that won't do in a sociable Ox year. Surrounding yourself with supportive people will help you withstand any pressure you experience in 2009. If you let the pressure build, you could experience terrible headaches. Practicing relaxation techniques like guided imagery, controlled breathing and meditation can alleviate this pain. Travel is favored this year, especially if you take a trip with someone you love, and visiting a spiritual mecca or holy city will be especially enjoyable. You are bound to make lots of friends in an Ox year. People are impressed by your loyalty and open-minded attitude. You may be especially drawn to rebels, since most people will cling to stodgy traditions this year. Rule-breakers and eccentrics will feel like a breath of fresh air in 2009.

Love: It's time to put power struggles to rest; the Year of the Earth Ox emphasizes cooperation. Be more vocal about your needs. As a Dog, you have a tendency to keep your thoughts hidden. Unfortunately, this trait could work against you in an ultra-practical Earth Ox year. By clearly stating your desires and concerns, you could achieve a new level of closeness with your partner.

If you're single, be content with your status. Forming friendships is favored in May and November. One of your new alliances could blossom into romance next year, but until then, just focus on having fun. Whether you are single or committed, you may experience periods of loneliness throughout 2009. Instead of looking for someone else to fill this void, look within yourself for fulfillment. Develop an interest in art, spirituality or science. This is your big chance to forge a love affair with yourself.

Finances: This isn't a good year to enter into financial partnerships, dear Dog. An ultra-responsible creature like you may have difficulty finding an associate who is equally diligent. You're better off going solo. Justice-oriented work will yield decent money, and you'll do very well if your job is related to social work, the law or education. Granted, you may not have a stellar financial year, but you will be able to meet your bills and have a little left over for occasional luxuries.

In the Year of the Earth Ox, it behooves us all to linger over life's small pleasures. Don't make any drastic career moves or invest in the stock market, though. If you want to put money toward your retirement, buy treasury bonds. An interesting job offer or two could arrive between October and December, but don't leave your current position. Bigger and better career opportunities will arrive in 2010.

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