
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Horoscope Forecast for 2009 : MONKEY

Forecast for the Monkey

The Coming Year
: Playing by the rules is key to your success. The Year of the Earth Ox won't favor any monkeying around when it comes to the law. That being said, your hard work and diligence will reap huge rewards. Just don't bite off more than you can chew -- it's better to focus on one or two big projects than juggle six or seven little jobs. This runs contrary to your multi-tasking instincts, but try anyway.

If you've had a hard time acquiring a skill in past years, that could change in 2009. This is your big chance to learn a foreign language, master a musical instrument or figure out a complicated software program … it's all a matter of perseverance. Fortunately, annoying distractions will be few and far between. Your health will be robust this year, especially if you drink plenty of water; keeping your kidneys flushed will stave off infections of all kinds. In the event you've been experiencing chronic health problems, you could finally find relief for them in 2009. Don't be adverse to holistic therapies. The Year of the Ox is also ideal for fixing dental problems. If you're struggling with substance abuse, do yourself a favor and check into rehab. You'll emerge feeling years younger.

Love: Finding a loving playmate could be in the cards during the Year of the Earth Ox. You could meet your soul mate at a museum, concert, play or art gallery between March and July. The chemistry between you will be immediately evident. There's never been a better year for you to get engaged.

If you are already married, this would be a great time to conceive or adopt a child; any young person who makes its way into your life this year will be a source of profound joy. Long-term relationships will thrive throughout 2009, too. Be prepared to delegate some responsibilities to your mate so you will have more time for creative pursuits. Even a capable creature like you could use an extra pair of hands, and entrusting your partner with important duties will engender a welcome spirit of cooperation.

Finances: You can turn a tidy profit during the Year of the Earth Ox, provided you stay focused. Instead of doing many jobs at once, focus on one talent you'd really like to develop. Getting a full-time position is favored, even if you've done seasonal or freelance work in the past. Resist your natural urge to chase after new, exciting opportunities before you've fulfilled your obligations to an existing employer. Jobs involving courage -- like politics, policing or entertaining -- are especially favored; they'll prevent you from getting bored.

You could also make a killing in the stock market. Stocks related to food, telecommunications and show business will be especially profitable. This is a great time to begin a retirement fund or expand your portfolio. An exciting promotion or job award could fall into your lap in November. Getting an assistant will enable you to focus on big work assignments.

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