
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Horoscope Forecast for 2009 : RABBIT

Forecast for the Rabbit

The Coming Year
: It's best for Rabbits to keep a low profile during the Year of the Earth Ox. You won't see dramatic progress in 2009, rather, you'll experience a slow but steady series of breakthroughs. Many of the people you work and play with will be brash and outspoken. Cultivating diplomacy will be critical to your professional and personal success. If you play your cards right, you could even land a wonderful creative assignment. Although you won't get much critical acclaim for this job, you will gain invaluable experience. A high-strung creature like you needs to devise strategies to keep stress at bay. When you worry that you're out of your depth, lean on friends and family for support. Your loved ones will bolster your courage and enable you to vault over intimidating hurdles.

It may be wise to add lots of fiber to your diet this year, or digestive problems could ensue. As far as exercise is concerned, try activities that increase flexibility: yoga, tai chi and gymnastics are all favored. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time for all of your appointments, or you will miss a few golden opportunities. Keep your cell phone charged and check messages frequently, as being in constant contact with the outside world will put you over the top this year.

Love: You're bound to receive lots of kindness and understanding from a romantic partner in 2009. The Earth Ox creates an atmosphere of love and acceptance on the home front, which is a welcome trend for a sensitive animal like you. If you're burnt out at work, your mate may encourage you to quit while you find something better to do. Going back to school or starting your own business could be possible because of your beloved's support.

In the event you are single, you should take extra pains with your appearance between August and September, when you could meet someone special at a rollicking party. If a friend offers to set you up on a blind date, accept. Otherwise, you could miss a golden opportunity to meet your soul mate.

Finances: This isn't the best year to switch jobs, so stay put in your current position; you can move on to greener pastures in 2010. The Year of the Earth Ox requires you to work hard and pay your dues. It doesn't matter how many years of experience you have; it looks as though you'll have to prove yourself all over again. This can be difficult, as Rabbits are notoriously prideful. The good news is that 2009 will enable you to make some valuable business contacts, and these benefactors will prove useful next year.

If you're looking for work, you could find it in November. Opportunities related to funeral homes, cemeteries and law enforcement are especially favored. Business related to recycling and renewable energy sources are also worth exploring. Take a conservative approach to finances this year. Don't play the market too aggressively and save as much money as you can.

Original post found here.

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