
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Horoscope Forecast for 2009 : GOAT

Forecast for the Goat

The Coming Year
: Friendship is the name of the game in the Year of the Earth Ox. Whatever problems you face -- professional, financial, personal or romantic -- you'll get by with a little help from your pals. Making more time for your nearest and dearest is critical. Short trips are favored throughout August and October -- this would be a great time to visit loved ones who live nearby. If you don't spend time with your favorite people, stress will take a toll on your health.

You Goats are sensitive creatures that are easily thrown off balance. Granted, you'll have plenty of extra responsibilities heaped on your shoulders throughout 2009, but the point is, you don't have to handle them all by yourself. Be willing to ask friends and neighbors to run errands, baby sit or fix meals when you are pressed for time. They'll be more than happy to help. If you need to sell your home, launch a legal case or conquer a medical problem, hire a professional. Although their fees may be steep, you will benefit from their expert services. 2009 is definitely not the year when you should tackle jobs all by yourself … it will take a village!

Love: You could feel a lot of pressure on the romance front in 2009. Somebody may try to push you into taking a casual affair a step further. Unfortunately, you're not ready to take the plunge. It's better to remain single than to commit yourself to a lackluster relationship, so break ties and focus on having fun. Going solo to parties will feel like a breath of fresh air. Fortunately, an attractive creature like you never lacks for invitations. You'll have an especially good time between July and September, when you'll meet a whole variety of interesting people.

If you're already in a serious relationship, be prepared to take on more responsibilities, or else home life could become stressful. The best gift you can give your mate is the gift of leisure. By showing care and consideration for them, they'll be more tender and giving toward you.

Finances: It's time to pay the piper, dear Goat. The Year of the Earth Ox will force you to come to terms with your creditors. You can no longer push these bills to the bottom of the pile. Start with the debt that is incurring the largest interest rate, and then work your way down. You'll have to cut down on luxuries this year, and it may even be necessary to downsize your living space. This can be difficult for a luxury-loving animal like you. If you meet your obligations, though, you'll reap significant rewards next year.

In the event you have your own business, don't try to expand it in 2009. Maintaining the status quo is a far better bet. Business opportunities related to tourism, foreign trade and shipping are all favored, but stay away from the stock market!

Original post found here.

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